Christ-Centered ★ Reformed ★ Presbyterian
Our Church Vision: As the new day approaches we want Christ's beauty, love, and holiness to shine through us in three dimensions: worship, community, and gospel service.
Our Mission: To shine Christ’s beauty, love, and holiness as far as our beams extend.
Morning Star Church is a member congregation of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. The ARP was formed in 1782 with core beliefs that include a confidence that the Bible is God's message to mankind, that God calls all people, nations, and ethnic groups to trust in Jesus Christ, His Son, and that this good news of His salvation is a message that should be proclaimed to everyone by our mouth and our lives. We embrace the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms as representing the best human expression of the teaching of Scripture. You will find our teaching Christ-centered and Reformed.
Our Church Values:
- We value Christ. Christ is the center of all we think, say, and do. We are His disciples.
- We value Truth. Truth is found in Christ and in God's written message to mankind, the Bible.
- We value our calling as disciples. Disciples are called by Christ to abide in His word, love each other, and bear fruit.
- We value worship. We enjoy reaching up to the Lord with praise, prayer, and song!
- We value community. Disciples thrive and mature in community: in families, care groups, a local church, with their neighbors, and in denominational partnerships.
- We value being creative, generous servants to others. We are creators, not simply consumers. We give, not simply take. We serve, not just accept service.